East Friesland

Cycling holidays in East Friesland

"MOIN" - a single greeting for the whole day!

Meadows, sheeps and a sky to the horizon

East Friesland has a network of cycle paths of up to 3,500 kilometres. The routes are low-traffic and off the main roads. You will find mostly paved roads, but also paved, gravel and sand passages during your trip. But predominantly a level landscape.

Getting away from everyday life, letting a fresh breeze blow around your nose and relaxing on a bicycle during the day – that’s what today’s cyclist wants for a perfect holiday. East Frisia offers ideal conditions for cycling in the fresh breeze, but also for long walks in the fresh sea air.

Bike Tour Eastern Frisia

Our most beautiful places for your cycling holiday in East Friesland!

East Friesland (in German it is Ostfriesland) is very large. What must I have seen? Where are the most beautiful beaches? Or what are the most beautiful places?

Rückenwind Reisen is located right in Oldenburg and therefore we know the most beautiful places in East Friesland. Because East Friesland is not only connected with the beautiful North Sea coast – there is more to it!

You will experience the most important highlights during your bike trip through East Friesland. Get in the mix of history, culture and beautiful nature.

Bike Tour Borkum

Who want to remember the order of the islands fall back on this saying. It is a german mnemonic:

(W)elcher (S)eemann (l)iegt (b)ei (N)anni (i/j)m (B)ett.

(W)hich(S)ailor (l)ie (b)ei (with)  (N)anni (i/j)n (B)ed.

Our three favourite bike islands

Heath factor

...healing effect of the North Sea air.

With its rugged North Sea coastline and 7 holiday islands,

East Friesland radiates a very unique and special effect. Besides the wide sea, holidays in East Friesland have a noticeable positive influence on your health.

You will quickly notice, even on a long walk along the coast, that the fresh climate has a healing effect on your skin and lungs. The so-called stimulating climate consists of salty air, cool wind, cold water, sun and heat. UV radiation and high humidity. These stimuli are supposed to stimulate physical activity and thus work against illness complaints and at the same time strengthen the immune system.

.Many tourists do not even know that the windy sea breeze ensures that allergens such as pollen and grasses have little chance. The fresh and clean air thus affects the lungs through the salt mixture in small droplets up to the alveoli.

The healing climate of the North Sea attracts millions of holidaymakers to its coast every year

Fascinating cities and remarkable places in East Friesland

Bike Tour Eastern Frisia Beertour

Oldenburg - the starting point for holidays in East Friesland

Cycling has a great tradition in Oldenburg. Around 20 companies operated a bicycle retailer in Oldenburg in 1900. Today, the nearly 170,000 inhabitants own around 250,000 bicycles. That’s why the second largest city in Lower Saxony is the perfect starting point for your cycling trip!

Today’s university town was formerly the residence and capital of the County, the Duchy, the Free State and the Land of Oldenburg.

In Oldenburg you have the opportunity to visit the Oldenburg Castle and the castle garden. Furthermore, the pedestrian zone in Oldenburg city centre with many shops, restaurants and cafés is also recommended.


Bike Tour Eastern Frisia Beertour

Wiesmoor - a place full of blossom

In 1977 Wiesmoor was appointed as a state-approved climatic health resort.

Wiesmoor is also called ''the blossom of East Friesland'', because the blossom city annually puts up a new blossom exhibition of a special kind. In any case, you should not miss the flower hall in Wiesmoor.

Emden - offers a maritime flair

The largest city in East Friesland, Emden, can look back on a history that goes back to antiquity.

By the comedians Otto Walkes and Karl Dall became, which coined by your work of the Ostfriesenwitzes (East Frisian joke), rose the Awareness in Emden. In Emden you can visit the Otto-Hus-Museum and the Kunsthalle.

If you like to eat fish, then don't miss the Emder Matjes in Emden!

Norden - the city of recreation

Norden is located near the North Sea coast and is the northwestern city on the German mainland.

Use the place to see the East Frisian Teemuseum or enjoy the view from the beach chair (Strandkorb) on Norddeicher beach. In East Friesland we say:

First time en Koppke Tee! ( First a cup of tea!)

In Norden you have the possibility to drive to Norddeich to get to the island of Norderney by ferry.

Norden is located in the East Frisian marsh before the northwest corner of the East Frisian Geest.

P. S. : If you want to come again to the beautiful city of Norden, we recommend you to book our centre based tour in Norden with different excursion possibilities.


East Frisian - Based in one hotel

6 Days | Self-guided tour
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Bike Tour Eastern Frisia


Wittmund is known for its charming brick architecture as well as the two gallery Dutch mills.

You can also visit the St. Nicolai church in the village, which was built in 1776. Numerous objects from the previous churches, including two chandeliers, can be found in the church.


In Jever you will find many valuable historical monuments, works of art and sights that can look back on almost 1000 years of history. If you like to drink a beer, the Bierbrauerei Jever is recommended in the form of a guided tour incl. Watching a beer sample. Cheers!

More information about our beer tour in East Friesland.

Dangast - simply pure Wellness!

Dangast is a popular destination for young and old.

Here you will find many public facilities, such as the DanGastQuellbad, Watt’n Sauna, wellness areas, a variety of restaurants.

A must in Dangast is a stop at the Dangaster Kurhaus. With your coffee or tea, try the popular rhubarb cake here. ( Opening hours Fr. - There you go + public holidays from 9 am to 8 pm)

If you prefer a nice walk on the beach, you will see many different cultural objects on your way.

Bike Tour Eastern Frisia


And where to go in Großefehn?

Around the moor with typical features like the moor settlement along a canal, historic Fehn houses and ancient brick churches.

Our tips:

  • Fehnmuseum with the Fehnkultur and the East Frisian version of successful moorland colonisation
  • Historic smithy Striek
  • Brewery "Ostfriesen Bräu" with museum and rustic brewery atmosphere
  • Arendshügel along the canal


3 harbours - 2 museums - 1 North Sea resort

Situated directly on the magnificent East Friesland North Sea coast is the small, relaxing village of Carolinensiel. The popular holiday resort is connected with the small suburb Harlesiel by the river "Harle". Tourists are taken from one place to another along the spa promenade on the paddle steamer Concordia II.

Let yourself be impressed by the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site, the blooming nature and the East Friesland cutter ships.

Places of interest:

  • Fishing along the "Harle"
  • German Sielhafen Museum
  • Local history museum Peldemühle
  • Cliner Quelle

Aurich - (ostfriesisches Platt: Auerk)

Aurich is the second largest city in East Friesland - both in area and population. With a population of around 42,000, Aurich is an independent municipality and belongs to the federal state of Lower Saxony. Since 2004 the municipality has been entitled to put up two language place-name signs in High German and Low German.

The castle in Aurich was the residence of the chieftain family Cirksena in 1447. In 1815 - 1866 during the affiliation to the Kingdom of Hanover, it was noticed that the castle was in a bad condition and the present Aurich Castle was built on the old foundation walls. Construction took four years, with the lower part of the tower dating from the 15th century. It dates back to the 18th century and has now been opened to the public to provide a view over Aurich.


Aurich has 3 pedestrian zones that merge into each other at the market square. The city center of Aurich is not only an eye-catcher as a shopping mile, but also particularly worth seeing due to its historical house facades. In Burgstrasse you can admire most of the historical buildings, including the oldest town house in Aurich from 1630, where today the Pizzeria Michelangelo is located.

At the former location of the Aurich Synagogue on the Hohe Wall, a memorial to the Aurich victims of the Holocaust was created in 2002 by the Aurich stonemason Bernd Clemenz. These are basalt columns on which the names and known life dates of the Holocaust victims can be read, as well as the camps to which they were deported. In 2007, the memorial was extended by another stone column, which bears a model of the synagogue burned down by the SA in 1938.


Experience the versatility and cycle or run through the vast landscape of Apen. Close to the North Sea, the proximity to the East Friesland Fehn region (Fehngebieten) and the Ammerländer park area (Parklandschaften). The municipality offers a lot of variety and recreation. You can also discover the pretty medieval core of Apen with the St. Nicholas Church and the Ham Museum or follow in Augustfehn in the footsteps of the 19th century marsh colonists 19th century. The abundance of water is the special characteristic of the municipality. Due to the dependence of the Apers low tide and ebb, it is the only freshwater watt in the northwest.

About nine generations earlier in 1748 Johann-Nikolaus-Meyer founded the oldest ham smoky in the Ammerland region in Apen. Today, there is a museum next to the ham smokery, but ham is still traditionally smoked and sold for consumption.

The “Ammerländer Ham Bread” is still a culinary speciality, which is always appreciated on various menus. Since the Ammerland has good air, beautiful landscapes and long paths, there is also a lot of bobbling here.

In Apen there are therefore 2 public e-bike charging stations – one at the town hall market and one at the furniture store Eilers.

Papenburg - home of the cruise giants

In the northern Emsland lies the city of Papenburg, which borders directly on East Friesland. With almost 40 kilometres of canals, much here is reminiscent of shipping. The many bascule and swing bridges give Papenburg a very special charm. The whole townscape is adorned by historical buildings and baroque gardens.

The global high-tech company "Meyer-Werft" has its headquarters here. The total area of the company premises stretches over 50 hectares and is thus larger than the Vatican. In 2001 there was enough space to finish the giants of the seas. In total, approx. 3,450 employees make up the core workforce of Meyer Werft.

The Papenburger Hauptkanal (canal) is one of the most beautiful promenades in northern Germany. Visitors and guests can visit numerous well-stocked specialist shops, good restaurants and cafés. The town's landmark, the museum ship brig "Friederike von Papenburg" is also anchored in the main canal. Other traditional ships built according to the original plan, which are scattered all over the canal, convey the unique maritime charm of Papenburg.

Ems bike path


Around 130 kilometres of marked hiking and cycling trails lead over the wide sandy island of Borkum. Ideal for discovering every grain of sand on the island. The North Sea island of Borkum is the westernmost and with a size of about 36 km2 the largest East Friesland island by far. Borkum is the only one of the East Friesland Islands with a high seas climate. This means that the air here is particularly pure!

The small railway is the narrow gauge railway with a gauge of 900 mm on the North Sea island of Borkum. There are three stations. The Borkum Island Railway is now a branch line, but is still called the Kleinbahn. The Borkumer Kleinbahn is the last double-track narrow-gauge railway in Lower Saxony.

The landmark on the promenade is the music pavilion. It’s been there for over 100 years.

Make yourself comfortable with a carriage ride and enjoy seeing the island from a different perspective. Take a carriage ride along the long sandy beaches to the national park where the seal sanctuary is located.

At the western end of Borkum you have the possibility to observe seals from very close. The seal bank "Hohes Riff" is a popular meeting place for the approx. 250 kg animals. If you want to observe the seals up close, you should join a hike of about 2 hours.

If you would rather enjoy the peace and quiet, we recommend the sparsely populated east country - just the thing to marvel at the varied nature and special animal species.


With 14 kilometres long and up to 2. 5 kilometres wide, Norderney is the second largest in the world largest of the East Friesland Islands.

Many paths lead to the lighthouse on a dune in the middle of the island. There are also three elevated platforms that invite you to linger. The interesting views of the sea, nature and beach provide unique memories.

In contrast to the smaller East Frisian Islands, Norderney is urban. The area is home to about 6,100 inhabitants. The car-approved island also has a hospital as well as doctors and pharmacies.

The cape (also kaap) is a sea mark and before the lighthouse was built, it served as a landmark to identify the islands from the sea side. The Norderneyer Kap is a 13 m high beacon, which is located at the eastern edge of the city area on the way to the settlement Nordhelm at the Bürgermeister-Willi-Lührs-Straße. It was erected on a dune in 1848 at the request of the merchants of Emden as a pyramid-shaped beam structure made of wood sealed with pitch, in order to limit shipping accidents and misinterpretations.

Further sights:

  • Watt Welten Visitor Centre
  • Bathhouse Norderney
  • Lighthouse Norderney
  • Wreck at the Ostend
  • Fishermen's House Museum
  • Bathing Museum Norderney


The tide-independent East Frisian island of Langeoog is a true paradise for cyclists.

Islanders say that time ticks slower here and you should take your time. Listen to the sound of the waves and the wind.

Discover the idyllic dune landscape and the unique nature experience. Or enjoy a guided mudflat walk through the Wadden Sea habitat with around 10,000 animal and plant species. On their tours, the trained mudflat guides explain vividly how the tides come in, what the animals in the mudflats are called, what they eat - and why the Wadden Sea is such a highly sensitive entity worth protecting.

If you stroll through the dune valley between the water tower and the main baths in the evening, you will hardly believe your ears at first. Here the cry of seagulls mixes with old sailor songs, folk and wandering songs as well as one or the other shanty choir. Dune singing is very popular on Langeoog and brings great joy. Herbert Burmester accompanies the dune singing on his accordion every Tuesday evening from May to October.

A popular destination on the island is the Langeoog water tower, built in 1908/1909. Downstairs is an informative exhibition and at the top the water tower offers a beautiful 360 degree panoramic view.

Bike Tour Eastern Frisia Island-Hop
Out bike tours in East Friesland

East Frisian | Two Islands

7 Days | Self-guided tour
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